目标肌肉:腘绳肌 | 运动类型:力量 |
所用器械:哑铃 | 发力类型:拉 |
力学:孤立 | 经验水平:中级水平 |
相关部位:没有 |
Set up for the dumbbell hamstring curl by elevating aflat bench on a block or step. You can use a grounded flat bench, but elevating it gives you a better range of motion and more efficiently recruits the hamstrings.
Now choose the appropriate dumbbell and set it on the ground near the lower end of the bench.
Lieface down on the bench and position yourself so that your knees are at the edge of the bench.
Pick up the dumbbell from the floor with your feet, securing it between the arches of your two feet.
Your legs should be fully extended and you can wrap your arms around the bench for stability. This is the starting position.
Bending at the knees onlyslowly curlthe dumbbell up towards your buttocks.
Raise the dumbbell as far as comfortablypossible or just past 90 degrees.
Pause for a moment and then lower the dumbbell in a controlled manner back to the starting position.
Repeat for desired reps.
Start the exercise by using a very light weight. You will want to keep you upper body and upper legs as still as possible throughout the movement. Using a dumbbell that is too heavy for youmay cause your body to jerk or swing which can lead to injury.
You can have a training partner place the dumbbell properly between your feet if you have a hard time lifting it from the floor.
Always make sure that the dumbbell is completely secure between your feet before beginning the movement.
Focus on moving the weight with your hamstrings utilizing a full range of motion.